In view of the soaring energy prices and the resulting consequences for low-income households, the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region wishes to inform that the Government in Council has decided to extend the deadline for applying for the cost-of-living allowance and the energy bonus until 31 October 2022.
The cost-of-living allowance and the energy premium are granted to low-income households according to the conditions and modalities set by the regulation of the Government in Council.
The granting of the energy premium is automatic for persons receiving the cost-of-living allowance. People whose gross income does not exceed the cost-of-living allowance limit by 25% may apply for the energy premium.
The application form and the table with the income limits are available
- online at or
- in physical form at the reception of the National Solidarity Fund or at the applicant's commune of residence.
Further information can be requested from the National Solidarity Fund by telephone on 49 10 81-999 (8.30-11.30) or by e-mail at
Press release by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region