New edition of the Orientation day welcomes 775 participants in Kirchberg

On Saturday 11 November 2023, more than 775 signatories of the Welcome and Integration Contract (CAI) took part in the Orientation Day organised by the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. The participants of the event had the opportunity to learn about the administrative procedures, the country's institutions and the associative life in Luxembourg.

In his welcome address, the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Max Hahn, highlighted the new law on intercultural living together: “The law creates a new societal framework, which marks a real paradigm shift in Luxembourg, since from now on we will no longer be talking about integration, but about intercultural living together. Our common objective is that this living together should be based on mutual respect, tolerance, solidarity, social cohesion and the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination.”

During a panel discussion, six representatives from different sectors were on stage to discuss the topic of civic participation: Beryl Koltz, Strategic Manager of promotion de l’image de marque, Pierre Reding, Head of the General Direction for Integration at the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and Commissioner for the Luxembourgish Language, Sergio Ferreira, political Director of ASTI, Steve Glangé, member of the “Zesumme vereinfachen” team at the Ministry for Digitalisation, Nenad Dubajic, Research Officer at Cefis and Anne Hoffmann, Executive Officer of the Agence du bénévolat. The plenary session was moderated by Anne Daems, Head of the Department of Integration at the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region.

Workshops and information stands to help you find your way around Luxembourg

At 36 information stands, representatives of different ministries, administrations and associations in Luxembourg were present to answer the signatories' questions on integration issues such as political participation, citizenship and associations, continuous education, recognition of diplomas or culture.

In the interactive workshops, participants were able to discover areas where their commitment can make a difference, such as volunteering, administrative simplification and language practice.

Two novelties were part of this Orientation Day: the 11 November edition was an eco-responsible and inclusive event labeled "Green Business Event", and for the first time, Luxembourg. Let's Make it Happen joined the group of official Orientation Day partners.

The Citizens' Pact introduces itself

The CAI is an optional integration programme for all non-Luxembourgish residents, which offers its signatories the opportunity to get to know Luxembourg, its languages, customs and institutions through language training, civic education and the Orientation Day.

The next editions of the Orientation Day will also be offered to participants of the new Citizens' Pact, which is one of the new instruments of the law of 23 August 2023 on intercultural living together. 

Press release by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region

Member of the Government



Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region

Event date
