Webinar "Land and Water: Innovative solutions and experience sharing for the Greater Region”

On 28 September 2021, the Minister for the Greater Region, Corinne Cahen, participated in the webinar "Land and Water: Innovative solutions and experience sharing for the Greater Region" organised by Neobuild in collaboration with the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, Luxinnovation and the EEN network.



During the webinar, which primarily targeted professionals of the construction and infrastructure sector of the Greater Region, participants had the opportunity to share experiences on various projects and innovative solutions to preserve, save and promote land and water.

"In the summer of 2021, Europe experienced extreme heat and devastating fires. Violent storms hit the Greater Region", remarked Corinne Cahen during her speech. "The impressive images of this natural disaster have touched us all and made us aware that after the health crisis, another battle awaits us, namely that against climate change. Faced with the challenges ahead, our only strategy can be cross-border and European: it is imperative to strengthen our cooperation in all areas and at all levels.”