International Day of Senior Citizens: Welcome to the digital world

This Friday, 1 October, the international community celebrates the "International Day of Senior Citizens", which the United Nations celebrates this year under the theme  "Digital Equity for All Ages".

©Alessandro Biascioli -


Digital technologies are becoming an increasingly important part of our society and an integral part  of everyday life as a growing number of administrative and banking procedures, for instance, are now being carried out mainly online. It goes without saying that the health crisis has only accelerated this digital change.

However, many elderly people find themselves at a loss when faced with this development. For them, the Internet and new technologies are unknown territory that they do not want to or dare to explore, fearing possible risks and dangers.

"It is important to ensure the digital inclusion of the elderly and thus reduce the risk of social isolation that the digital divide can increase," emphasises Minister for Family Affairs and Integration Corinne Cahen.

“Dare to go digital!”

In order to inform and reassure senior citizens about the possibilities of the digital world and  motivate them to open up to this new universe, the Gero Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter is organising, on the initiative of the Ministry for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region and with the support of the City of Luxembourg, an information day entitled "Welcome to the digital world", which will take place on Friday 1 October from 10:00 to 16:00 at the Bonnevoie cultural centre.

Designed as a fair, this information day will allow elderly people to find out about the various aspects of the digital world at some fifteen stands. They will be able to learn more aboutspecific digital applications such as e-banking or e-shopping services, how to do administrative work online or the range of training courses on new media.

Further information can be obtained from the Gero Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter (36 04 78 1 /, or on the website

International Day of Older Persons - Welcome to the Digital World 

Event date

2021.10.01 10:00 - 2021.10.01 16:00 

