Launch of the call for project proposals 2022 "Zesummeliewen: lokal engagéieren a matmaachen"

How can we promote living together at the local level? The Department of Integration of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region is launching a call for project proposals promoting integration in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the year 2022, under the slogan "Zesummeliewen: lokal engagéieren a matmaachen".

The call for project proposals 2022 is based on two main areas of intervention:

Political participation - informing and raising the awareness of foreigners, especially young voters:

Projects aiming to raise awareness and train foreigners residing in Luxembourg on the rights and conditions to vote in view of the next municipal elections (11 June 2023) and to promote political participation as well as registration on the electoral roll.

In this context, there will be a particular focus on projects with the following targets:

  • Informing voters of foreign origin, encouraging them to register and participate in the elections and accompanying them in the registration process;
  • Involving and encouraging participation of the target audience;
  • Informing the foreign audiences about the political system in Luxembourg, the role and responsibilities of municipalities and the conduct of municipal elections;
  • Addressing foreign publics who were under-represented on the electoral roll during the last municipal elections.

Civic engagement - mobilisation and involvement of the target audience in projects that promote an intercultural "Living Together":

Projects aiming to develop innovative approaches to citizen engagement, with the aim of promoting participation in social, cultural and political life.

Particular emphasis is placed on participatory projects promoting dialogue and exchange between culturally diverse people, in order to reduce socio-ethnic divides and foster an intercultural "Living Together". Eligible projects should mobilise the widest possible audience on a local level. Projects carried out in partnership between two or more structures will be encouraged and given priority.

The call is part of the implementation strategy of the National Action Plan on Integration (PAN Integration) and the funding is limited to projects of a minimum amount of €25,000.

Details of the call for projects and the templates can be found on the website:

The deadline for submission of project proposals is 5 January 2022.

Two online information sessions will be organised on Friday 19 November 2021 at 9am and on Wednesday 24 November 2021 at 2pm.

Non-governmental organizations, with no direct links to political parties and trade unions, as well as private bodies, public institutions, professional chambers and training/research centres are requested to confirm their participation at, indicating the session they wish to attend.

Member of the Government

CAHEN Corinne

