Best Agers' Forum: Digitalisation and Intergenerationality

On 23 October 2021, the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration Corinne Cahen attended the fifth edition of the "Best Agers' Forum", a conference dedicated to promoting the actions of municipalities for the benefit of the elderly, which took place at the Centre Prince Henri in Walferdange. 

Organised by the Higher Council for the Elderly and the Ministry of Family Affairs and Integration with the support of Syvicol, this year's Forum focused on digitalisation and intergeneration as vectors of social participation and inclusion of seniors at the municipal level. The first part of the Forum was dedicated to the call for projects "Senior-friendly municipalities", of which the five winners, namely the municipalities of Kayl, Differdange, Schuttrange, Esch-sur-Alzette and Dudelange, were able to present their project in favour of seniors in their region.

In the second part, the speakers illustrated various aspects of digitalisation: Dr. Marie-Paule Theisen, Professor at the University of Luxembourg, focused on "Healthy and conscious ageing in the digital age - digitalisation in moderation". Ben Max, project manager at the Ministry of Digitalisation, devoted his presentation to the National Action Plan for Digital Inclusion adopted by the government in Council on 24 September 2021. Finally, Tania Draut, manager of the senior club Haus op der Heed in Hupperdange, presented the various projects that have been carried out since 1999 to support seniors who want to learn about computers and new media.

In her speech, Corinne Cahen emphasised that digitalisation is a topical issue at local, national and European level.  "Digitalisation is already part of our lives and our society, we cannot ignore it, but we have to adapt the framework conditions so that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from it. This is why we need to make participation and inclusion a priority as measures to prevent social isolation."

Member of the Government

CAHEN Corinne

