Kickoff for project Heisdorf II

On 4 October, the foundation stone for the "Heisdorf II" project of the non-profit organisation Le Tricentenaire was laid in Heisdorf in the park of the soeurs de la doctrine chrétienne.


In order to meet the growing demand for accommodation for people with a disability, the Heisdorf II residential project will provide a home to 40 people with a physical disability as well as a day activity service for 20 children and young adults with a disability.

In addition to the care home Maredoc asbl, the park of the soeurs de la doctrine chrétienne is currently already home to two residences for people with a physical disability: the Nico Kremer residence with a capacity of 38 beds and the temporary residence "Pavillon" with 16 beds.

The Tricentenaire provides care and support for people with disabilities, including accommodation, specialised day centre activities, coordination and provision of assistance and care, psychosocial and therapeutic support, training and work, sport and leisure activities, and social integration.

Member of the Government

CAHEN Corinne