4th edition: "Diversité & Entreprises Lëtzebuerg" Barometer Diversity continues to gain ground even in times of crisis

The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, supported by IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability - in collaboration with the Ministry for Family, Integration, and the Greater Region, as well as LISER, has presented the results of the fourth barometer, "Diversity & Companies Lëtzebuerg", the result of the analysis of the committed signatories' questionnaires.

The winning bet of diversity

The signatories' diversity management policies have undeniably had positive impacts, and even better, the observed effects respond precisely to the 2021 challenges facing companies. The objective/result figures concerning the three main goals pointed out by the signatories for engaging in a diversity approach are:

  1. Attracting talent: 53% of signatories report improvements in attracting and retaining talent,
  2. Encouraging respectful behaviour: 63% of signatories note progress on this point,
  3. Make teams more innovative and creative: 54% of signatories note an increase in innovation and creativity in their teams.

The three essential dimensions of the positive impacts of an effective diversity policy are there: employer brand, human relations, and performance.

Health crisis and diversity

New in 2021: the Charter Committee wanted to analyse, thanks to the 2021 barometer, whether or not the health crisis was a trigger, a lever, or a brake for diversity issues. For 92% of the signatories, the diversity policy remained a priority during the pandemic, and the subject of health is now the third most addressed in current diversity policies in Luxembourg. The barometer looks in detail not only at the implementation of teleworking and widespread teleworking, but also at other HR processes. For example, 32% of the signatories have changed their induction process, and 72% of them spontaneously indicate that they have digitalised all or part of the onboarding process for their employees.

Diversity accessible to all

The barometer results are accessible to all: an updated inventory and a tool for self-assessment and inspiration; signatories or not are invited to join the diversity movement for the well-being of all. 

Moreover, the signatories rely entirely on or partly on the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, its teams, events, and publications to propose actions in favour of diversity (89%), to increase their theoretical knowledge (86%) and to raise awareness of the subject among their employees (86%)

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