Presentation of certificates to participants of the Omega 90 training courses

On 30 November 2021, Corinne Cahen, Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, participated in the official presentation of the Omega 90 palliative care training certificates. 

A total of 358 people from various sectors, including the elderly, disability and home care sectors, received their training certificates.

In her speech, Corinne Cahen thanked Omega 90 and all the participants of the training courses for their commitment and dedication.

"The topic of palliative care is particularly important in times of a pandemic. Last year, there was a lot of talk about dying alone and the pain that this entails, both for the people concerned and for their relatives. This is why I am all the more grateful to all those who are committed to providing the best possible support for people at the end of life."

Founded in 1990, Omega 90 aims to promote initiatives supporting people with serious illnesses, people at the end of life, their families and friends, and people who are bereaved. In addition, the association offers training to volunteers who wish to accompany seriously ill people and people at the end of life.

Member of the Government

CAHEN Corinne