Employee - Receiving inclusion assistance

You may be eligible for support from an assistant if you have

  • the status of disabled employee or the status of employee undergoing external reclassification;

and you are or will be employed by a private sector employer

  • under an employment measure of at least 12 months or under an employment contract of at least 12 months.

If you meet these conditions, you are entitled to support of:

  • max. 150 hours for an employment contract or an ADEM employment measure between 12 and less than 18 months;
  • max. 225 hours for an employment contract or ADEM employment measure between 18 and less than 24 months
  • max. 300 hours for an employment contract or ADEM employment measure of at least 24 months.   

If you want to benefit from inclusion assistance, you must, together with your (future) employer and the assistant/support service, apply to ADEM for assistance.

The assistant/support service must be chosen jointly by you and your (future) employer. A  list (French, Pdf, 87 Kb) is published in the Official Journal of Luxembourg. Approved assistants/support services are listed according to their field of expertise.

If agreed, the inclusion assistance is fully covered by the Employment Fund.

For more information, please contact ADEM.

ADEM processes, evaluates and decides on applications for assistance submitted by potential beneficiaries. It accompanies the employee and the employer in their procedures and takes care of the payment of the services of the assistant/assistance service.