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Newsletters published by the Department of Integration

Please find here the June 2024 newsletter.

Please find here the May 2024 newsletter.

Please find here the April 2024 newsletter.  

Please find here the March 2024 newsletter.  

Please find here the February 2024 newsletter.

Please find here the January 2024 newsletter.

Please find here the December 2023 newsletter.

Please find here the October 2023 newsletter.

Please find here the September 2023 newsletter.

Please find here the July 2023 newsletter.

Please find here the May 2023 newsletter.  

Please find here the April 2023 newsletter.  

Please find here the December 2022 newsletter.  

Please find here the November 2022 newsletter.

Please find here the September 2022 newsletter.  

Please find here the May 2022 newsletter.

Please find here the March 2022 newsletter.

Please find here the January 2022 newsletter.

Please find here the November 2021 newsletter.

Please find here the September 2021 newsletter.

Please find here the July 2021 newsletter.

Please find here the May 2021 newsletter.

Please find here the March 2021 newsletter.

Newsflashs published by the Department of Integration

Please find here the 25th December 2023 newsflash Appel à projets « Promouvoir le vivre-ensemble interculturel »
Please find here the 25th December 2023 newsflash "Inscrivez-vous à la formation de multiplicateurs 2023 du CEFIS!"
Please find here the 8th December 2022 newsflash "Inscrivez-vous à la formation de multiplicateurs 2023 du CEFIS!"

Please find here the 6th December 2022 newsflash "Journée du Bénévolat et lancement de la campagne de sensibilisation au bénévolat"

Please find here the 17th November 2022 newsflash "Soutien aux associations dans le cadre de la campagne "Je peux voter" "

Please find here the 11th November 2022 newsflash « Invitation à la conférence: Invisibilité et inconscience du racisme »

Please find here the 28th October 2022 newsflash "Nous et les autres : les enregistrements des conférences disponibles en ligne"

Please find here the 11th October 2022 newsflash "Invitation à la conférence: Discriminations ethno-raciales au Luxembourg : 
perceptions de la population "

Please find here the 21st September 2022 newsflash "La nouvelle plateforme d'information virtuelle se présente"

Please find here the 13th September 2022 newsflash  "Invitation: Nous et les autres: des stéréotypes au racisme"  

Please find here the 21st July 2022 newsflash "Inscrivez-vous à la formation de multiplicateurs du CEFIS

Personal data

To complete your application, the information about you collected from this form needs to be processed by the public administration concerned.

That information is kept by the administration in question for as long as it is required to achieve the purpose of the processing operation(s).

Your data will be shared with other public administrations that are necessary for the processing of your application. For details on which departments will have access to the data on this form, please contact the public administration you are filing your application with.

Under the terms of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you have the right to access, rectify or, where applicable, remove any information relating to you. You are also entitled to withdraw your consent at any time.

Additionally, unless the processing of your personal data is compulsory, you may, with legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of such data.

If you wish to exercise these rights and/or obtain a record of the information held about you, please contact the administration in question using the contact details provided on the form. You are also entitled to file a claim with the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission nationale pour la protection des données), headquartered at 1, Avenue du Rock'n'Roll, L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette.

By submitting your application, you agree that your personal data may be processed as part of the application process.