Second digital edition of the "Groupe d'échange et de soutien en matière d'intégration au niveau local" (GRESIL)

After the success of the first virtual edition of the "Groupe d'échange et de soutien en matière d'intégration au niveau local" (GRESIL) in January 2021, the second virtual information event took place on 30 June 2021.

Politicians, municipal representatives and officials as well as members of the municipal integration advisory commissions met via video conference to discuss the topic "Municipalities and associations: How to act for a living together?" In total, 120 participants were present, representing 50 municipalities. In addition, representatives of various ministries, the CNE as well as clubs and associations working towards integration were present.

The event started with a welcoming address from the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, and from Mister Emile Eicher, president of SYVICOL. Anne Daems, head of the municipal and regional integration unit within the Department for Integration, and Laura Zuccoli, representing the organizers, moderated the event.

Miss Annick Jacobs from CEFIS and Mister Sing-Loon Cheung from the WOK project of the municipality of Differdingen participated as speakers in this 6th edition of the GRESIL.

During the plenary session, the two speakers focused on club life and the support of clubs and associations as an important component for living together at the municipal level. Miss Jacobs reported on methods, results and difficulties arising from the various diagnoses made by CEFIS in several municipalities in the country. While Mister Cheung presented the monitoring and support of the WOK project for the different local associations.

During the second half of the GRESIL, participants were able to address challenges, find possible solutions and exchange views on the importance of clubs and associations for a living together in workshops on the four topics of sport and health, leisure and environment, culture and interculturality, social issues and education.

ASTI, SYVICOL, CEFIS and the Department for Integration of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region - organizers of this event - would like to thank all those present for their active participation in this digital exchange platform.

Born out of the strong interest and need of Luxembourg municipalities to network on integration and coexisting issues, the GRESIL provides a platform for municipalities to gather, exchange, synergize, inform, train and support integration issues at the local level. The organizers will continue to offer these GRESIL events to give communities the opportunity to inform themselves and discuss the issues mentioned above.

Released by: Department for Integration of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region / Association de soutien aux travailleurs immigrés (ASTI) / Syndicat des villes et communes luxembourgeoises (SYVICOL) / Centre d'Etude et de Formation interculturelles et sociales (CEFIS)

Member of the Government

CAHEN Corinne