I have an approval - now what?


Once accreditation has been obtained, the assistant and the support service will be included in a list published in the Official Journal. Approved assistants and assistance services are listed according to their field of expertise.

Before making a request for assistance, the beneficiaries of the assistance, i.e. the disabled or externally reclassified employee and his or her employer, must jointly choose an assistant/assistance service from the list.

The request for assistance is then made jointly by the employee, his/her employer and the assistant/assistance service using a form drawn up by ADEM.

ADEM, to whom the request for assistance is addressed, evaluates the file and grants or refuses the financial coverage of the assistance.

In case of agreement, the assistant/assistance service can proceed with the execution of the missions.


The remuneration of the assistant/support service is covered by the Employment Fund for the number of hours and duration of the individualised project.

The costs of drawing up the individualised inclusion project by the assistant/support service, including the costs of any revision, are covered up to a flat rate of €2,000.

In addition, there is a flat rate of €50 per hour, including all taxes (index 794.54). This amount is adapted to changes in the cost of living.

The number of hours of assistance is fixed in relation to the duration of the employment contract, respectively the ADEM employment measure, the disabled employee or the outplacement measure:

  • max. 150 hours for an employment contract or ADEM employment measure between 12 and less than 18 months;
  • max. 225 hours for an employment contract or ADEM employment measure between 18 and less than 24 months;
  • max. 300 hours for an employment contract or ADEM employment measure of at least 24 months.   

Payment is made on the basis of quarterly declarations, drawn up by the assistant/support service, countersigned by the employer and the employee and sent to ADEM.

For more information, please contact ADEM.

ADEM processes, evaluates and decides on the requests for assistance submitted by potential beneficiaries. It accompanies the employee and the employer in their procedures and takes care of the payment of the services of the assistant/assistance service.