Application for approval

The Ministry will support you in your application for accreditation. Do not hesitate to contact the Ministry's staff if you need help.

Application for approval: Natural persons

Preliminary steps

You must have your foreign secondary school diploma or vocational diploma recognised. This procedure can be started on the online application site 

Submitting the application

You must fill in the application form and submit it with the supporting documents to:

Ministry for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region       

L-2919 Luxembourg   

Supporting documents

You must attach to your application:

  • A copy of your Luxembourg secondary school leaving certificate or vocational aptitude certificate.    
    • If applicable, a copy of the recognition of the diploma.
  • A certificate (EC certificate or equivalent) issued by the competent authority or body in the country of origin (generally a professional chamber) in the event of professional practice in another European Union country.
  • A certificate of affiliation with the Centre commun de la sécurité sociale (Common Social Security Centre) in the case of professional practice in Luxembourg.
  • An extract from the criminal record no. 3 dated less than 3 months ago if you have been resident in Luxembourg for more than 10 years (OR an extract from the criminal record no. 3 dated less than 3 months ago or equivalent issued by the State(s) in which you have resided during the 10 years preceding the application for authorisation, if you are a non-resident or have resided in Luxembourg for less than 10 years).
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A work certificate attesting to your professional experience issued by your employer(s)
  • A copy of your identity card or passport.

Application for approval: Legal persons

Submitting the application

If you wish to set up a care service, you must complete the application for approval and submit it with the supporting documents to

Ministry for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region       

L-2919 Luxembourg   

Supporting documents 

  • A copy of the approval of the persons who will work as employees of your assistance service.

For each member of the administrative or management body of your assistance service:

  • An extract from the criminal record no. 3 dated less than 3 months ago if the member has been resident in Luxembourg for more than 10 years (OR an extract from the criminal record no. 3 dated less than 3 months ago or equivalent issued by the State(s) where the member has resided during the 10 years preceding the application for authorisation, if he/she is not resident or has been resident in Luxembourg for less than 10 years).
  • A copy of the identity card or passport of each member of the administrative or management body of your assistance service.

Duration of validity of the approval

The approval is valid for 5 years.

The holder of the approval may apply for its renewal if he/she still meets the conditions for obtaining it.

The Ministry may at any time verify compliance with the requirements.