Housing first

The Housing First concept aims to provide long-term or even permanent accommodation for the long-term homeless. These are particularly marginalised people for whom the traditional forms of support are not adapted. Housing First is intended for single homeless people, without accommodation or with long-term inadequate housing, with severe psychopathology and/or addiction (whether stabilised or not).

The priority is housing, which is considered a fundamental right. The concept is based on the fact that homeless people primarily need accommodation, while their other problems can be dealt with afterwards. Support for the person's stability and reintegration is therefore secondary. Services are offered to the person, but they are not imposed. The user can choose the type of support and is not subject to time constraints.

By creating a ‘’place to call home‘’, users can stabilise their individual situation, improve their quality of life and promote their integration into the community and society. The approach is based on risk reduction and support is geared towards recovery.

The ministry currently has agreements with the following services:

  • The Housing First project run by the CNDS-Wunnen department of the Comité nationale de la défense sociale.
  • The Housing First project for women run by the Hëllef um Terrain Department of Housing for Social Inclusion.
  • The Housing First project of the Coup de Pouce service of Inter-Actions a.s.b.l.