Corinne Cahen visited projects selected in 2021 in the context of the PAN Integration

On 26 April 2022, the minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, visited three of the ten projects selected in the 2021 call for projects of the National Action Plan for Integration. 


During this visit the minister took part in activities implemented to promote living together in Luxembourg.


Fondatioun Zentrum fir politesch Bildung 

The day started with a visit of the Fondatioun Zentrum fir politesch Bildung at the Forum Geesseknäppchen. After an introduction of the project "Den DemokratieLabo: Zesumme Liewen zu Lëtzbuerg" by the director Marc Schoentgen, the minister was invited to discover the interactive exhibition. The exhibition invites the exchange of views on questions concerning the diversity of Luxembourg society and the workings of our political system.

University of Luxembourg 

The afternoon started with a visit to the project "Ensemble contre les discriminations: Raising awareness among young people in Luxembourg through multilingual digital stories" of the University of Luxembourg.
After a welcome by Mr Georg Mein (Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Educational Sciences) and Ms Gabriele Budach (teacher and project leader), Ms Budach and her master's students showed and commented on videos made by young people and their families from different cultural backgrounds.
The Minister was then invited to take part in the activity by participating in a short demonstration of the Stop Motion Studio application used by the team to produce the multilingual digital storytelling.

NAXI (Femmes en Détresse asbl)

At the NAXI workshop, Corinne Cahen was welcomed by the project manager, Ms. Lydie Goergen. The NAXI workshop is aimed at adult women aged 18 and over who are recipients of  REVIS (Social Inclusion Income) and it offers, through collective utility work in the field of washing, ironing and sewing, help for women to reintegrate into the labour market. This is an activation measure in collaboration with the ONIS (National Office for Social Inclusion).

Projects under the National Action Plan on Integration (PAN)


Each year, the Integration Department of the Ministry for Family, Integration and the Greater Region launches a call for projects to finance projects promoting integration in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The call is part of the implementation strategy of the National Action Plan on Integration (PAN Integration).

The call for projects launched in 2021 is based on two areas of intervention. On the one hand, the area "Diversity and combatting discrimination" targeting projects aiming at preventing and fighting against discrimination and, on the other hand, the area "Language acquisition and practice"  aiming at promoting integration through language learning and practice activities.

All PAN projects are available on the website of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region.

Member of the Government

CAHEN Corinne