Projects within the framework of the National Action Plan for Integration

Through its calls for projects, the Intercultural Living Together Division of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception  of Refugees supports pilot projects.

In 2024, 4 projects were selected. These projects were each based on one area of intervention "Promoting an intercultural “living together” ".

  • Workstream 1: Promoting the participation of cross-border workers
  • Workstream 2: Citizens’ Pact and Intercultural Living Together Program – Development of model modules

Find below the list of the 2024 projects : 

Café créatif « De Fuedem deen eis verbënnt »

Project leader: A'Musée

Project title: Café créatif « De Fuedem deen eis verbënnt »

Project duration: 2 May 2024 – 28 November 2025

Target audiences: The target audience includes the general public, such as new arrivals, natives, single parents, families, young people, and isolated individuals. Additionally, it aims to support REVIS beneficiaries.

For more information on this project, c (Pdf, 217 Kb)lick here.

Contact: Shirley DEWILDE –

Menschenrechte erlebbar machen

Project leader: Action chrétienne pour l’abolition de la torture (ACAT)

Project title: Menschenrechte erlebbar machen

Project duration: 1 May 2024 – 30 November 2025

Target audiences: The target audience includes anyone residing in Luxembourg or the Greater Region, as well as 30 individuals who will participate in the workshops. Additionally, it encompasses people visiting Luxembourg.

For more information on this project, c (Pdf, 207 Kb)lick here.

Contact: Christina Fabian –

Bis am Bus

Project leader: Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen

Project title: Bis am Bus

Project duration: 1 Septembre 2024 – 30 November 2025

Target audiences: The target audience includes the general population of municipalities, encompassing applicants for international protection and beneficiaries of international protection, along with local community leaders.

For more information on this project, c (Pdf, 202 Kb)lick here.

Contact: Serge TONNAR –

Doc & Talk

Project leader: Openscreen asbl

Project title: Doc & Talk

Project duration: 1 May 2024 – 31 August 2025

Target audiences: The project is open for the general public.

For more information on this project, c (Pdf, 217 Kb)lick here.

Contact: Vessela VENCHEVA –

The PAN Projects 2023

In 2023, 5 projects were selected. These projects were each based on one area of intervention "Promoting an intercultural “living together” through associative life".

Find below the list of PAN projects 2023: 

Come Together Associations Network

Project leader: Ara International Community Radio asbl

Project title: Come Together Associations Network

Project duration: 1 May 2023 – 31 December 2024

Target audiences : Primary target audience: professionals and volunteers who shape the associative life in Luxembourg; representatives of associations, other organisations as well as municipalities. Secondary target audience: Radio ARA radio listeners, about 9,000 people per day.

For more information on this project, c (Pdf, 166 Kb)lick here.

Contact: Lisa McLean -

« Tiers-lieux pour tous » : Faire vivre l’espace communautaire interculturel au Luxembourg

Project leader: University of Luxembourg

Project title: "Tiers-lieux pour tous" : Faire vivre l'espace communautaire interculturel au Luxembourg

Project duration: 1 May2023 – 31 December 2024

Target audiences: The nuclear target audience is composed of 120 participants (40 per collaboration cycle), while a broader public will be targeted by the project results.

For more information on this project, c (Pdf, 780 Kb)lick here.

Contact: Gabriele Budach -


Project leader: SINGA Luxembourg

Project title: LINKEY 

Project duration: 1 May 2023 – 31 Decembre 2024

Target audiences: Local associations, local population, beneficiaries of international protection, applicants for international protection

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 750 Kb).

Contact: Jimmy Corneille -

En Bonne Entente dans le quartier de Bonnevoie

Project leader: Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute for Interaction and Development in Diversity

Project title: En Bonne Entente dans le quartier de Bonnevoie

Project duration: 1 May 2023 – 31 Decembre 2024

Target audiences: The 30 member associations of the Entente des Sociétés de Bonnevoie and their members as well as the residents of the Bonnevoie district.

For more information on this project, click (Pdf, 767 Kb) here.

Contact: Gudrun Ziegler -

Association Hub

Project leader: Equisolidaire

Project title: Association Hub

Project duration: 1 May 2023 – 31 December 2024

Target audiences: The primary target audience are all associations and residents. A particular attention will be paid to people who are less integrated in the local life: foreigners, DPI (ex-Eurohotel hostel), people with special needs, people with social difficulties (Centrest), and elderly people.

For more information on this project, click here.

Contact: Paul Estgen -

The PAN projects 2022

Civic engagement

Letz Talk Café


Project leader: Ara International Community Radio asbl

Project title: Letz Talk Café

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 30 June 2023

Target population: Migrant/refugee women and residents of Luxembourg

Letz Talk Café is the first step in ARA International asbl’s project Your Story. Your Voice.Women are currently meeting regularly in a social setting with project leaders to build mutual trust before embarking on the workshops the team have planned to empower women from all communities in Luxembourg to share their stories.

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 166 Kb).

Contact: Lisa McLean -



Project leader: Art Square Lab

Project title: Wëllkomm

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 31 December 2023

Target population: Municipalities and new arrivals

The project will support municipalities in the development of a welcoming event that will initiate a meaningful engagement of newcomers in these cities. Particular emphasis will be placed on a participatory approach by promoting dialogue and exchange between individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 173 Kb).

Contact: Magdalena Jakubowska -


Play YouTube video, see caption below

UP Foundation - Tandem


Project leader: UP Foundation                                                                       

Project title: TANDEM

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 29 December 2023

Target population: Children and adults

"Tandem, educational mentorship for children in Luxembourg: it’s better as a pair!"

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 175 Kb).

Contact: Alexandra Castermans -

Fit4Gaming : Where integration meets gaming


Project leader: FWRD SARL-S

Project title: Fit4Gaming : Where integration meets gaming

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 31 December 2023

Target population: Teenagers and young adults from the age of 12 interested in gaming

"Fit4Gaming" is a project aiming at promoting cooperation, exchange and solidarity in a multicultural environment using video games (i.e. gaming/e-sport).

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 179 Kb).

Contact: Kevin Hoffmann -

Political participation

Letz Vote

Play YouTube video, see caption below

ASTI - Letz Vote


Project leader: ASTI (Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés)

Project title: Letz Vote

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 31 December 2022

Target population: New voters

The project aims to set up an IT tool (website) allowing the user to discover the different aspects of national, European and local elections through fun animations.

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 175 Kb).

Results at the end of the projet:

The launch of a fun and informative website in the context of the Luxembourg legislative elections of May 11, 2023: Letzvote | Découvrir le système de vote Luxembourgeois

Contact: Marc Piron -

Gemengewalen fir jiddereen


Project leader: Zentrum fir Politesch Bildung

Project title: Gemengewalen fir jiddereen

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 31 July 2023

Target population: Adult residents and young students in higher education

The project aims to raise awareness about elections in general and to encourage non-Luxembourgish potential voters to register to vote by developing digital and playful informational tools.

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 176 Kb).

Contact: Michèle Schilt -

Participation politique: from Talking to Doing


Project leader: ALDIC (Association Luxembourgeoise pour le Dialogue Interculturel)

 Project title: Political participation: from talking to doing

Project duration: 1 May 2022 – 31 July 2023

Target population: Young Luxembourgers, non-Luxembourgers, foreign nationals, third-country nationals and young beneficiaries of international protection

The project offers youth outreach workshops and Dignityland game sessions to encourage political participation.

For more information on this project, click here (Pdf, 203 Kb).

Contact: Sabrina Benfriha -

PAN projects 2021


Project leader: Ally Book Club Asbl

Project title: Visible

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

The VISIBLE project focuses on measures to prevent, to understand and to educate about the disadvantages and forms of discrimination a person can experience based on their racial or ethnic origin.

The project has two main areas of intervention. The first area of the VISIBLE project, the "literature" component, aims to increase the visibility of authors from diverse ethnic backgrounds by giving them a voice through a series of conferences. The main theme is "Literature as a tool for raising awareness" and thus conferences are planned with a focus on youth and childhood.

The second area of intervention, the education component, aims to raise awareness of racial discrimination and systemic racism among students and education staff. The aim is to combat all forms of racism and ethnic-racial discrimination. Educational packages will be dapted to each target group to break down and to unlearn stereotypes or prejudices and thus encourage reflection on diversity and mutual respect. The aim of the training is to put the keys in the hands of national education staff, as they are multipliers of knowledge and are at the centre of the transmission of both knowledge and values.

The aim of the project is therefore to promote coexistence and social cohesion.

Target population:

Target population of the literature component:

  • Teachers and staff of associations, school groups and students

Target population of the educational component:

  • Pupils in cycles C1 to C4
  • Secondary school students
  • National education staff
Project objectives:
  • Development of 6 education packages and 2 training modules.
  • Organisation of 2 conferences.
  • Production of 4 awareness-raising videos.
  • Understanding and recognising racial discrimination.
  • Developing the ability to carry out activities related to discrimination in the classroom.
  • Developing critical thinking skills in relation to racial discrimination and related social and societal issues.
  • Enabling students to improve their understanding and develop critical thinking skills.

Results at the end of the project:

  • 2 training sessions organized at the IFEN
  • 2 conferences organized with experts and authors
  • 2 pedagogical activities, presented during the trainings at IFEN


Castello Sabrina

Tout le monde en classe!

 Project leader: CLAE Asbl

Project title: Tout le monde en classe! (Everyone in the classroom!)

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

Many language trainers are confronted with very diverse groups and have to manage a heterogeneous audience. Adult educators have to deal with a wide variety of learner profiles in language classes, including linguistic, cultural and socio-economic diversity. However, trainers are not always equipped to provide coherent responses to the needs of each individual. Based on the need for exchanges, support and tools for trainers to respond to these specific issues related to diversity, the "Everyone in the Classroom" project aims to develop good practices to share with language trainers.

The project will be based on a participatory training, meaning it will create a place of consultation to accompany and allow an exchange between trainers and volunteers to ensure a social and cultural mix in classrooms, as well as intercultural dialogue and the fight against the stereotypes.

Target population:

Participatory training courses are primarily aimed at language trainers working with an adult audience.

The target audience will indirectly be language learners in the classroom, with the aim of improving their readiness to learn, their integration and participation, through inclusive teaching, regardless of their initial abilities.

Project objectives:

  • Reaching 10-15 trainers per training, from at least four different training centres.
  • Developing participatory training courses to develop new skills for trainers.
  • Encouraging the exchange, pooling and dissemination of acquired experience with the aim of identifying the strengths and weaknesses currently observed in the field and thus making it possible to give concrete tools to teachers going forward.
  • Creating a training kit to pass on the content.
  • Ensuring the sustainability of the experience acquired through the dissemination of a publication.
Results at the end of the project:
  • Production and sharing of a good practice guide in the context of dealing with diversity in learning groups.
  • Conducting a survey among language teachers in Luxembourg on their teaching experiences and their level of competence in the context of the great diversity of learner profiles in learning groups.
  • For more information : Tout le monde en classe - CLAE


France Neuberg

De Klang Keller : Living Music Living Culture Living Dialogue in Luxembourg

 Project leader: Finkapé asbl

Project title: De Klang Keller: Living Music Living Culture Living Dialog in Luxembourg

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

The project "De Klang Keller" is committed to facilitating social cohesion through music. Under the motto "Living Music Living Culture Living Dialogue in Luxembourg ", the project aims to promote cultural diversity, to support anti-discrimination and to revitalise culture. Finkapé proposes to address the place of African music in Luxembourg by combining the creation of original works and by offering courses, conferences, discussions and support for the professionalization of young musicians.

The project consists of several components: creation, acquisition of knowledge, and intercultural and intergenerational encounters. Music is a natural and obvious commonality that can promote synergies within a group while also being a fun activity. Furthermore, it would create a space for dialogue, which promotes the exchange of knowledge and human values and thus deconstructs stereotypes. The project "De Klang Keller" aims to be a place of encounter and exchange that promotes living together, creating, sharing and a sense of belonging and going beyond the stereotypes of the festive and folkloric aspects of African music.

Target population:

The project aims at involving everyone, musicians and music lovers of all backgrounds, and invites them to participate and create together.

Project objectives:

  • Eight audio-visual recording sessions with interviews resulting in eight videos of 15 to 25 minutes.
  • Four filmed thematic conferences.
  • Twenty introductory music lessons in different styles taught by four musicians.
  • Six training sessions for musicians without pedagogical experience.
  • 30-40 choral singing lessons open to as many people as possible over a period of 16-18 months.

Results at the end of the project:

  • 8 "Spontaneous Creation" videos in which artists were invited to share an improvised musical experience
  • 4 conferences on the following themes :
    • The richness of music in the world and particularly on the African continent
    • The need to renew our understanding of musical education
    • Music, result of a cultural blending
    • The valorization of the contribution of women and racialized people in European classical music
  • 25 singing classes for adults and the creation of 2 choirs
  • 3 training workshops for amateurs and professionals
  • 16 discovery workshops for children


M. Helder Da Graça

“Discriminations off the pocket” – Short film competition “Pocket films”

Project leader: Maison des Associations

Project title: "Discriminations off the pocket" - Short pocket film competition

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

The project aims to create a national short film competition "pocket films" for young citizens around the theme discrimination. A film produced from a smartphone or a tablet can offer young people a form of expression that is relatable for them and accessible through tools that are an integral part of their daily lives.

Furthermore, the project aims to raise young people's awareness of the images that surround them by giving participants the means to produce their own discourse. The ambition of this project is both to make young people aware of the issue of discrimination and to give them the necessary tools to express their opinion through an artistic mode of expression.

Target population:

The project will target young people aged between 13 and 26, without any discrimination on the basis of gender, social origin, nationality or cultural background.

Project objectives:

  • Organising interactive workshops to deconstruct prejudices and stereotypes.
  • Creating a space for reflection and awareness raising on diversity in Luxembourg.
  • Understanding the different types of discrimination.
  • Raising awareness among participants and the competition audience about the challenges of diversity and the importance of civic participation.
  • Accepting the multiplicity of points of view and developing empathy, tolerance and respect for others.

Results at the end of the project :

  • National pocket film competition


Elisabete Soares

LinGoLux: learning the languages of Luxembourg and discovering the culture and heritage of the Müllerthal region

Project leader : Mouvement pour l’Egalité des Chances pour Tous (MEC)

Project title : LinGoLux : learning the usual languages of Luxembourg and discovering the culture and heritage of the Mullerthal region

Project duration : 18 months

July 1st 2021 - December 31st 2022

Project description :

There are many organizations that offer language courses. However, it is clear that even though there is a great deal of learning available, it is more limited in terms of putting what is learned into practice. Similarly, there is a great curiosity on the part of participants in language courses, who show a desire to go beyond the learning of the language and to discover the culture and heritage that surrounds it.

The "LinGoLux" project proposes to create a fun, digital medium, accessible on computers, tablets and smartphones, which combines the practice of a language with cultural immersion. Through this playful support, the participants practice the usual languages of the country and discover the cultural attractions as well as the heritage of the Mullerthal region which constitutes a pilot region. To do so, they log on to At this point, they will be asked to choose the language in which they wish to use LinGoLux: French, Luxembourgish or German. Then, a map of Luxembourg appears, divided into several regions of the country. The participants choose the Mullerthal region, the only one available for the moment. Then the map of the Mullerthal region appears with its 14 communes. The players choose the municipality they want to play with. They have to try to answer correctly 7 questions about grammar, conjugation, vocabulary, culture, nature, geography, history and thus try to win the emblem of the visited commune. The goal is to collect all the emblems of the municipalities of the region in order to reconstitute the map of the Mullerthal region.

Target audience :

Any person interested in learning a language and discovering the culture of the Mullerthal region can participate. The level of understanding is A.2.1-A.2.2.

Project objectives :

  • To create 3 quizzes (Luxembourgish, French, German) each with 294 questions and 882 answers
  • To apply the principle of learning while having a good time
  • To practice the usual languages of the country 
  • To enrich one's cultural knowledge about the heritage of the Mullerthal region
  • To promote exchanges
  • To promote the integration of residents and cross-border workers

Results  at the end of the project :

  •  Creation of a digital platform for learning languages (FR, LUX, DE) and discovering the Müllerthal region : LinGoLux | MEC asbl

Contact :

Madame Aurélia Pattou

Abléck: Cultural and linguistic support tool in Luxembourgish for all

Play YouTube video, see caption below

The project "Abléck" presents itself

Project leader: Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institue for Interaction and Development in Diversity

Project title: Abléck: cultural and linguistic support tool in Luxembourgish for all

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

The intangible heritage of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is rich in a variety of languages, legends and songs, festivals, customs and traditions. The sharing of this rich heritage, which is essential to the development of a sense of belonging, takes place to varying degrees, depending on the population. Families with strong Luxembourgish roots practise and pass on the country's traditions and customs more naturally than populations with weaker Luxembourgish roots. As a result, people who are less integrated into the cultural network of Luxembourg, particularly through their families, often feel helpless when it comes to explaining Luxembourg from the inside (for example, the origin of a particular custom) to their children and relatives.

The aim of the Abléck project is to promote Luxembourg's heritage and customs to all Luxembourg residents, regardless of their status, to the inhabitants of the Greater Region (especially cross-border commuters) and to all people who visit Luxembourg in various capacities. To this end, an interactive information platform will be created to facilitate access to information on Luxembourg's heritage and customs. This platform will offer contextualised translations and interactive features. The resources collected and developed in the framework of this project will support an awareness-raising programme for newcomers.

Target population:

  • Anyone interested in learning about Luxembourg culture
  • All ages, genders and nationalities

Project objectives:

  • Creating a model cultural awareness programme consisting of 5-6 modules for multipliers.
  • Promoting the Luxembourg language and culture.


Gudrun Ziegler

Jinyoung Choi

Learning languages while working in the NAXI-Atelier

Project leader: Femmes en Détresse / Naxi-Atelier  

Project title: Learning languages while working in the NAXI-Atelier

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

NAXI-Atelier is for adult women from 18 years of age who are beneficiaries of REVIS (Social Inclusion Income). The NAXI-Atelier offers, through collective utility work such as washing, ironing and sewing, help to women to reintegrate into the labour market. This is an activation measure in cooperation with the ONIS (National Office for Social Inclusion).

In the day-to-day work with the women, language barriers were identified as playing an important role in hindering the integration process of these women. Official language courses are usually organised outside working hours. For women with young children (under age 13), the hours offered do not always match their availability.

The aim of the project is to teach languages through conversation during practical work in the washing, ironing and sewing workshop using a new methodology of "learning while doing". The trainer is present in the workshop to talk actively with the women without them having to stop their work. The trainer accompanies the group through the work and practical experiences, facilitating speaking and understanding.  After a six-month pilot phase dedicated to the implementation of the French course, the idea is to apply the same methodology, after evaluation, to the learning of the Luxembourgish language. The objective is to merge better integration at the private level and better employability at the professional level through the practice of both languages.

Target population:

NAXI wants to carry out the project with the beneficiaries who participate in the activation measure in the NAXI-Atelier. These adult women are REVIS beneficiaries. Their origins and status are very diverse. The women currently participating in the activation measure are between 23 and 63 years old.

Project objectives:

  • Developing a guide to share the experiences of this project in other contexts and social initiatives.
  • Contributing to a better integration of the participants through the learning of one or two official languages.


Vilay Venemany

“Faire Société en Bande Dessinée” - Integration Stories of Women in the Form of Comics

Project leader: Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster  

Project title: : Faire Société en Bande Dessinée – Integration Stories of Women in the Form of Comics

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project Description:

The project consists of the production of comics based on the experiences of migrant women or companions of migrants. A writer and poet resident in Luxembourg will carry out workshops for the preparation and development of stories. To extend the comic strips, these stories will then be transcribed and supplemented with documentary information (statistics, photographs, etc.).

It is difficult to grasp the complexity of the integration process and the needs of migrant women. As full-fledged actors of international migration, many of these women are confronted with difficult, violent, dangerous and even illegal situations in their country of origin, during their migration process and even in their country of reception. In general, it is important to recognise the experience of female migration and to develop the potential and independence of these migrants. Listening to them and learning about their reality is therefore a major aspect of integration processes.

Target population:

The workshops will aim to involve migrant women, but also the Luxembourgish companions of migrants(from 16 years of age) in order to allow intergenerational exchanges and to encourage the participation of young people, EU nationals, third country nationals and Luxembourgish residents.

Project objectives:

  • Organising preparation workshops and developing stories.
  • Producing 8 comics, each dealing with different aspects and specific situations of integration.
  • Raising awareness among the public, especially among schoolchildren, thanks to the comics being a playful and popular medium.
  • Facilitating intercultural dialogue.
  • Serving as a "trigger" to deepen the themes addressed in the comic.

Results at the end of the project :

  • Production of 9 comic books, two of which were translated into Luxembourgish to allow their distribution to school groups (addition of documentary elements accessible via QR code)
  • An exhibition relating the process of creation of the comics 
  • For more information: Faire société en Bande Dessinée - neimënster (


Karine Bouton


“Ensemble contre les discriminations”: Raising awareness among young people in Luxembourg through multilingual digital stories

Play YouTube video, see caption below

The project "Ensemble contre les discriminations" presents itself

Project leader: University of Luxembourg 

Project title: Together against discrimination: Raising awareness among young people in Luxembourg through multilingual digital stories

Project duration: 18 months

1 July 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

The project aims to raise awareness among young people in Luxembourg on the issue of discrimination. The project applies an innovative digital creation method encouraging young people and their families to explore the phenomena of discrimination through the production of Multilingual Digital Storytelling. A digital story is a short video of 3 to 5 minutes, including images, sound, text and music to tell a personal story.

The project will involve young people in creative workshops. By encouraging dialogue and creativity, the process enhances the cultural and linguistic resources of each individual, and creates a better understanding of the attitudes and behaviours that lead to discriminatory acts and their consequences on the affected individuals. At the end of the project, the results will be presented to a wide audience in different forms (a pedagogical guide, podcasts, an exhibition, a film festival).

The project aims to propose a method that will contribute to building the confidence and self-esteem of people who have been discriminated in the past and to help raise awareness among a wider section of the Luxembourg population who can actively contribute to a positive change in fighting discriminations.

Target population:

The project will directly involve around 80 people who will participate in workshops. The project team is targeting a public of young people between 12 and 18 years old (girls and boys) and their families, resident in Luxembourg, from the city of Esch-sur-Alzette and its surroundings, of various socio-cultural origins and nationalities.

Project objectives:

  • Producing a pedagogical guide and podcasts that will be made available as pedagogical tools to a wider public.
  • Distributing a questionnaire to the participants (about 80) in order to identify their experiences with discrimination.
  • Organising about 30 interviews and 6 focus groups.
  • Raising awareness among young people (aged 12-18) and their families from mixed backgrounds who are exposed to the issue of discrimination.
  • For more information : Coming together in Stop Motion Animation | Esch-sur-Alzette | Facebook
Results at the end of the project :


Gabriele Budach

Den DemokratieLabo : Zesumme liewen zu Lëtzebuerg

Project leader: Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

Project title: Den DemokratieLabo: Zesumme liewen zu Lëtzebuerg

Project duration: 13 months

1 November 2021 - 31 December 2022

Project description:

In a democracy, citizens discuss and participate in the shaping of community life. Given the great diversity at several levels in Luxembourg, the question arises: "How do we define our coexistence?" For people who have recently arrived in Luxembourg or who have immigrated a while ago, there is a need for meeting places to better understand aspects of current coexistence and to participate in its development.

Like a real laboratory, the DemokratieLabo is a space for experimentation, discovery and analysis, focusing on the mechanisms of our democracy: visitors pass in groups of two through a series of terminals where they are invited to question proposed topics and to discuss them. The exhibition refers to the Luxembourgish context and the socio-political challenges linked to it. It encourages the exchange of ideas on questions concerning the diversity of Luxembourgish society and the workings of our political system. At the end of the tour, each individual receives a "lab certificate" that summarises the experience and allows for further reflection and discussion beyond the DemokratieLabo. The workshops that follow the tour allow for deeper discussions and can explore links to personal experiences. These workshops, adapted to the needs of the different target groups, will be developed during the project.

In addition, the project will train multipliers to organise workshops for non-Luxembourgish communities as well as for beneficiaries of international protection and applicants for international protection. After the end of the project, the ZpB organises exchange meetings between multipliers and plans to offer further multiplier trainings based on the experiences and materials developed during the project.

Target population:

  • Members of associations/commissions (community workers, members of associations of non-Luxembourgish communities, members of religious communities, members of consultative integration commissions, signatories of the reception and integration contract...)
  • Beneficiaries of international protection and applicants for international protection
  • Members of trade unions
  • Educators in reception facilities for BPI and DPI
  • Young people (Integration classes for young adults (CLIJA), reception classes, international education classes)

Project objectives:

  • Organising training for educators and develop a guide for multipliers.
  • Encouraging reflection on personal democratic ideas, beliefs and experiences.
  • Strengthening dialogue, integration and participation at local level.

Results at the end of the project :

  • 51 visits of the DemokratieLabo in a total number of 7 municipalities
  • Visits to 88 groups and 566 participants in a period of 13 months
  • Drafting of a short guide for the CCCI (Municipal advisory committee on integration)


Annelise Scheuren