European Policies

The Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees:

  • has a representation in the Social Protection Committee for the social inclusion component;
  • is the national coordinator of the "Promoting social inclusion by reducing poverty" objective formulated in the National Reform Programme (NRP) in the context of the European Semester of the Europe 2020 strategy
  • is responsible for the "Combating material deprivation" project as part of the Luxembourg Operational Programme of the European Social Fund plus (ESF+) 2021-2027. 

Social Protection Committee

The Comité de la protection sociale (CPS) (Social Protection Committee) is an advisory policy committee to the Ministers in the Employment and Social Affairs Council (EPSCO).

Established in Article 160 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, the committee pursues the following objectives:

  • monitoring the social situation in the EU and the development of social protection policies in the Member States; to prepare reports on social inclusion, health care, long-term care and pensions, within the framework of the open method of coordination in the area of social protection and inclusion;
  • facilitating the discussion and coordination of political approaches between national authorities and the Commission by preparing debates on social protection and on country-specific recommendations within the Council in the context of the European Semester. The SPC also drafts reports and opinions, either on its own behest or at the request of the Council or the Commission.

The Ministry is represented in the Social Protection Committee for the social inclusion component.

National Reform Programme

The Ministry is the national coordinator of the "Promoting social inclusion by reducing poverty" objective formulated in the Programme national de réforme (PNR) dans le cadre du Semestre européen de la stratégie Europe 2020 (National Reform Programme (NRP) in the context of the European Semester of the Europe 2020 strategy).

The European objective is to "promote social inclusion, particularly by reducing poverty and by ensuring that at least 20 million people are no longer at risk of poverty and exclusion.”

The Luxembourg government supports the conclusions of the European Council with measures contributing to the increase of employment rates of women and of single-parent families, with a goal of reaching an employment rate of 73% by 2020.

European Social Fund plus (ESF+)

For the 2021-2027 programming period, the tasks of the FEAD and in particular aid for the most deprived people have been taken over by the European Social Fund plus (FSE +) ‘’Investir dans le futur‘’ (Investing in the future) under priority axis 6 - Lutte contre la privation matérielle (Fight against material deprivation).

Since 1 January 2024, the Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l'Accueil has been responsible for the ‘’Lutte contre la privation matérielle‘’ project, which runs until 31 December 2027.
The project aims to help people in precarious situations take their first steps out of poverty and social exclusion. It helps meet their most basic needs and frees up their budget to meet other household financial commitments.

A free supplement of food products and basic necessities is distributed monthly to households by partner organisations: the social grocery shops of the Red Cross and ‘Hëllef um Terrain’ asbl, the Cent-Butteks, the ‘Eis Epicerie sociale et solidaire’ in Soleuvre and the Banque alimentaire.

With the exception of the Banque alimentaire, the partner organisations offer support activities to beneficiaries, while the Social Offices guarantee them social follow-up over time.
Of the overall budget of €1,400,433, 90%, i.e. €1,260,389.70, is funded by the European Social Fund plus ‘ Investir dans le futur ’ (Investing in the future).    

Through this project, 13,866 people (5,850 households), including 4,000 children, will have benefited from food aid and basic material aid by 2023.